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Asima Chatterjee - Global Fund for Women

Asima Chatterjee was born in Bengal on September 23 1917, and grew up in Calcutta, one of India's largest cities.Although at the time it was very unusual for women to study chemistry, she graduated from the University of Calcutta with honours in 1936.Chatterjee then completed a master's degree in organic chemistry, before becoming the first woman in India to receive a Doctorate of Science in 1944.

Her research focused primarily on the medicinal properties of Indian plants, and contributed to developing drugs that treated epilepsy and malaria.However, her most esteemed work came in the field of vinca alkaloids, which are used today in chemotherapy because they help slow down cancer cells from being multiplying.

Dr. Chatterjee's achievements led to her receiving various prestigious accolades, such as the Padma Bhushan – one of the highest civilian awards bestowed by the Indian government. And in 1975 she became the first woman to be appointed general president of the Indian Science Congress. She had one child, a daughter called Julie, with her husband Dr. Baradananda Chatterjee, and died in 2006 in her nursing home at the age of 90.

And Now Google Doodle celebrates 100th birthday of Indian chemist.

Awards and recognition
- She was a Premchand Roychand Scholar of the University of Calcutta.
- She was the second woman after Janaki Ammal to be conferred Doctorate of Science by an Indian University, the University of Calcutta in 1944.
- From 1962 to 1982, she was the Khaira Professor of Chemistry, one of the most prestigious and coveted chairs of the University of Calcutta.
- In 1972, she was appointed as the Honorary Coordinator of the Special Assistance Programme to intensify teaching and research in natural product chemistry, sanctioned by the University Grants Commission (India).
- In 1960, she was elected a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi.
- In 1961, she received the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award in chemical science, in the process becoming the first female recipient of this award.
- In 1975, she was conferred the prestigious Padma Bhushan and became the first lady scientist to be elected as the General President of the Indian Science Congress Association .
- She was conferred the D Sc (Honoris causa) degree by a number of universities.
- She was nominated by the President of India as a Member of the Rajya Sabha from February 1982 to May 1990.
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